Technical Scientific Dictionary

The app is intended for professionals, technicians, researchers, translators and university students for whom English is the main language of work and communication. The project of the “new Technical and Scientific English”, edited by Edigeo, was created with the aim to build a reliable reference tool: this edition provides over 337,000 entries with 440,000 equivalents, making this dictionary the most complete of its kind in the current Italian and Anglo-Saxon publishing area.

Result of a great collective effort, the work stands out for its richness and the high standard of quality in the choice of headwords. The 77 specialist categories in which the dictionary is articulated range in various fields of science and technology – from particle physics to cartography, from mathematical analysis to construction machinery, from solar technology to waste management, from astronautics to new telephony – offering a rich and comprehensive reference tool. The dictionary includes a large amount of terminological meanings that substantially facilitate the translator’s research work in the translation of the whole sentence.

Main features
  • Check for updates online and use of the dictionary offline
  • User interface in Italian and English
  • Over 337,000 headwords
  • Over 440,000 equivalents
  • 77 specialized categories
  • Systematic information regarding the sectors terms are used in
  • Wide repertoire of phraseology
  • Clear graphic presentation and easy consultation
  • Research history
  • Table with abbreviations used in the dictionary
  • Ability to report suggestions, errors, lemmas not found
  • Search the index, by entry and in full text
The app is available on: