Sabatini Coletti Dictionary

The app offers the Dizionario della Lingua Italiana by Francesco Sabatini and Vittorio Coletti, recognised as an absolute reference point of Italian lexicography. The wealth of the lemmary makes it a reliable guide both for understanding the historical and literary dimension of our language and for finding one’s way among the neologisms of the spoken or specialised language. Remaining faithful to the original project, Sabatini Coletti’s aim is to “link vocabulary to grammar and syntax” and is therefore particularly rich in clear and rigorous, but above all useful, grammatical information; the information on syntactic structures also includes indications on prosody and punctuation.

It is ultimately the most innovative of today’s dictionaries of the Italian language, based on theoretical models that take into account: a) the close relationship between semantics and syntax, especially with regard to the function of the verb in the sentence structure; b) the differences that actual communicative (‘textual’) usage produces in the surface of the language. The entries of a ‘grammatical’ nature are those that most characterise the work compared to other similar ones, but the entire treatment of lemmas presents considerable innovations, from morphological indications to definitions. The presence of the lexicon of linguistics is particularly consistent, in order to facilitate the reader’s understanding of the explanations of the phenomena captured in the body of the language.

Main features
  • Check for updates online and use of the dictionary offline
  • User interface in Italian and English
  • 115,000 headwords and 168,000 definitions
  • 40,000 idioms
  • 1,580 expressions of two or more words
  • 45,500 synonyms
  • 80,000 examples
  • 83,200 etymologies with 82,000 dates of first attestations
  • Division into syllables and pronunciation for all entries
  • Inflection of all adjectives and nouns
  • Systematic information on prepositions used with verbs and adjectives
  • Clear graphic presentation and easy consultation
  • Research history
  • Table with abbreviations used in the dictionary
  • Ability to report suggestions, errors, lemmas not found
  • Search the index, by entry and in full text
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