Hoepli Latin Dictionary

The app Hoepli Latin Dictionary is the result of a ten-year team work by a group of authors who intended to put together the scientific skills of university research with the teaching experience to provide a reference work really designed for the current school. The project and its realization aim to provide a valid support in the translation through a complete tool, that is also easy in the consultation and clear. The resulting app is an innovative product, while retaining all the merits and reliability of traditional vocabularies, making it an invaluable reference tool for students and lovers of Latin, of good readability, easy to consult, rigorous and careful in the structures and usable in its entirety.

The dictionary is a modern study tool, suitable for daily practice, far from both simplistic and excessive complexity, which allows a very easy consultation for a wide range of users. It includes all the items commonly used by writers who usually study in classical high schools.

Main features
  • Check for updates online and use of the dictionary offline
  • User interface in Italian and English
  • 64,000 headwords
  • Over 102,000 acceptions
  • Over 180,000 translations
  • Numerous examples of authors
  • Clear graphic presentation and easy consultation
  • Research history
  • Table with abbreviations used in the dictionary
  • Ability to report suggestions, errors, lemmas not found
  • Search by index, citations and full-text
The app is available on: