le Garzantine – Economia

The app “le Garzantine – Economia” is the ultimate tool needed to understand the language of economics and finance, useful to get one’s bearing between spreads, ratings, defaults, national debts, exchange rates, especially in these years of crisis. Among the entries: economists, from Adam Smith to Paul Krugman; economic theories, from Mercantilism to Physiocracy, from classical economics to Marginalism, from Keynes’ teachings to the Public Choice school; history and geography of economic development, from the industrial revolution up to globalization.

The subject matter is organized in alphabetical order, alternating brief informative entries and in-depth entries, of more complex architecture, signed by experts who guarantee the reliability of the information and analyses proposed. A system of cross-references facilitates precise comparisons, creates hypertext links and allows the exposition to be recomposed at levels of greater complexity. The set of statistical data in the form of both numerical tables and graphs (over 200) has been enriched and made more functional through the use of titles, captions and comments.

Main features
  • Check for updates online and use of the dictionary offline
  • User interface in Italian and English
  • More than 4300 entries written by specialists
  • A great number of external links to documents with statistical data, diagrams, and charts
  • A circuit of 4400 cross-references between entries
  • Clear graphic presentation and easy consultation
  • Research history
  • Table with abbreviations used in the dictionary
  • Ability to report suggestions, errors, lemmas not found
  • Search the index, by entry and in full text
The app is available on: