American Slang Dictionary

The app American Slang Dictionary by Roberto Cagliero and Chiara Spallino is an excellent reference tool aimed to all those who have the opportunity to linguistic exchanges with the US world. The slang has become an integral part of the US language system and this dictionary provides the most comprehensive and updated reference to quickly meet the consultation needs of translators, cinephiles, advertisers, music enthusiasts, journalists, and anyone facing the everyday life aspects of an language in continuous evolution.

Special attention has been paid to the translations to provide a comprehensive meaning of a lemma, in its nuances and its synonyms. Particular attention has also been paid to the tagging of terms based on their specifications, such as IT, hip-hop and hipster culture, politics, sport, the African-American area, and many more. Also important are linguistic aspects such as acrospeak (the tendency to speak for acronyms and abbreviations, in typical American origin and then swept in Europe), the inversion phenomenon (that is to load a period of an opposite meaning to the original) and the proliferation of new words related to particular moments or historical events.

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Sabatini Coletti Dictionary

The app offers the Dizionario della Lingua Italiana by Francesco Sabatini and Vittorio Coletti, recognised as an absolute reference point of Italian lexicography. The wealth of the lemmary makes it a reliable guide both for understanding the historical and literary dimension of our language and for finding one’s way among the neologisms of the spoken or specialised language. Remaining faithful to the original project, Sabatini Coletti’s aim is to “link vocabulary to grammar and syntax” and is therefore particularly rich in clear and rigorous, but above all useful, grammatical information; the information on syntactic structures also includes indications on prosody and punctuation.

It is ultimately the most innovative of today’s dictionaries of the Italian language, based on theoretical models that take into account: a) the close relationship between semantics and syntax, especially with regard to the function of the verb in the sentence structure; b) the differences that actual communicative (‘textual’) usage produces in the surface of the language. The entries of a ‘grammatical’ nature are those that most characterise the work compared to other similar ones, but the entire treatment of lemmas presents considerable innovations, from morphological indications to definitions. The presence of the lexicon of linguistics is particularly consistent, in order to facilitate the reader’s understanding of the explanations of the phenomena captured in the body of the language.

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Italian Dictionary Gabrielli

The Italian Dictionary from Hoepli of the famous lexicographer Aldo Gabrielli is recognized as an absolute reference point of the Italian lexicography.

This new edition, edited by Massimo Pivetti and Grazia Gabrielli, combines the clear layout and coherent organization of the original with a wealth of lexical and semantic information and detailed facts about the register. There are many terms linked to scientific and technological developments; foreign words and phrases; slang, colloquial and literary expressions.

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Dictionary of Idioms

Like all living languages, Italian incorporates constantly new idioms; some will be adopted, others remain confined to specific sectors or areas, others quickly disappear. All, however, constitute a true mirror of the times. In addition to the more traditional and ancient expressions, the dictionary includes the more recent idioms of typical journalistic language, related to politics, justice or to the world of cinema and television.

Useful reference tool, this app is also an interesting and enjoyable work that enables the discovery, sometimes unpredictable, of the close relationship between the spoken language and the history, culture and lifestyle of our society.

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