le Garzantine – Medioevo

Spanning from Homer to Dan Brown, the app “le Garzantine – Medioevo” offers a comprehensive reference of 1000 years of history and civilization, from the end of the classic world up to the down of the Renaissance, that laid the foundations of modern Europe, are dissected by means of main figures, events, and institutions. From Charlemagne to Frederick Barbarossa, from Benedict of Norcia to Francis of Assisi, from Giotto to Simone Martini, from Boccaccio to François Villon, from Abelard to Occam, from paladin Orlando to Tristan and Iseult, this alphabetical and interdisciplinary reference brings you to discover one of the most complex and fascinating historical period: society, culture, tradition, imagination.

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le Garzantine – Letteratura

Spanning from Homer to Dan Brown, the app “le Garzantine – Letteratura” is the most comprehensive encyclopedia of the literature of every period and all countries, and an up-to-date tool to discover worldwide authors and works from the beginning to the present day. You will find every information about poets and novelists, movements and currents – from baroque to futurism – genres from science-fiction to thriller, together with rhetorical figures, basical metrics, the summary of 600 masterpieces (from Dante’s Comedy to Anna Karenina, from Hamlet to Moby Dick), and the winners of the most famous literary awards, including the Nobel prize.

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le Garzantine – Filosofia

The app “le Garzantine – Filosofia” presents the history of Western thought in a comprehensive and rigorous encyclopedic dictionary. Authors, doctrines, schools (from atomism to existentialism, and from positivism to phenomenology), research scopes (ethics, logic, aesthetics, epistemology, hermeneutics, language philosophy, neurosciences), concepts (from abduction to ideal type, from entelechy to truth, from artificial intelligence to postmodern). Furthermore, 300 key works in the history of philosophy, annotated and set against the production of the author, and entries dedicated to “human sciences”: pedagogy, psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, theology.

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le Garzantine – Economia

The app “le Garzantine – Economia” is the ultimate tool needed to understand the language of economics and finance, useful to get one’s bearing between spreads, ratings, defaults, national debts, exchange rates, especially in these years of crisis. Among the entries: economists, from Adam Smith to Paul Krugman; economic theories, from Mercantilism to Physiocracy, from classical economics to Marginalism, from Keynes’ teachings to the Public Choice school; history and geography of economic development, from the industrial revolution up to globalization.

The subject matter is organized in alphabetical order, alternating brief informative entries and in-depth entries, of more complex architecture, signed by experts who guarantee the reliability of the information and analyses proposed. A system of cross-references facilitates precise comparisons, creates hypertext links and allows the exposition to be recomposed at levels of greater complexity. The set of statistical data in the form of both numerical tables and graphs (over 200) has been enriched and made more functional through the use of titles, captions and comments.

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le Garzantine – Antichità Classica

Realized with the collaboration of high-level specialists, “le Garzantine – Antichità Classica” is proposed as a vast repertory of Greek and Roman antiquity, with an interdisciplinary approach.

The history of western thought gathered in a complete and accurate encyclopedia. Authors, doctrines, schools (from atomism to existentialism, and from positivism to phenomenology), research scopes (ethics, logic, aesthetics, epistemology, hermeneutics, language philosophy, neurosciences), concepts (from abduction to ideal type, from entelechy to truth, from artificial intelligence to postmodern). Furthermore, 300 key works in the history of philosophy, annotated and set against the production of the author, and entries dedicated to “human sciences”: pedagogy, psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, theology.

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Encyclopaedia of Art Zanichelli

The Enciclopedia dell’Arte Zanichelli drives you throughout figures, movements, genres, and techniques of visual arts and architecture of any age, from cave painting to video art. The list of 10.000 entries includes biographies of painters, sculptors, architects, designers, together with illustrators, photographers, tapestry-weavers, ebonists, and other minor art figures; from universally known figures like Michelangelo, Rembrandt or Picasso, up to the most recent forms of art expression and to young artists from the four corners of the Earth; the headword list includes art collectors, critics, theorists and historians, together with the profiles of the main museums, galleries, and art magazines.

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